An Interview With Medical Legal Expert Dr. Sonny Rubin

May 2024 · 5 minute read

With over twenty years of experience as a double board-certified anesthesiologist and interventional pain management specialist, Dr. Sonny Rubin is one of the top medical-legal experts in the personal injury field.

His work is geared towards helping patients manage chronic and injury-related pain without surgical procedures or opioid-based pain medications through his interventional pain management approach.

As an advocate for patients suffering from the effects of motor vehicle accidents, Dr. Sonny Rubin is a valuable resource for those seeking guidance in their injury cases and pain management journeys.

What are some of the most common injuries you treat in patients who’ve been in motor vehicle accidents?

Injuries resulting from a motor vehicle accident can range from minor to severe. I commonly see soft tissue injuries such as whiplash, sprains and strains, and broken bones. Additionally, patients may suffer more severe injuries such as traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), spinal cord injuries, and amputations.

It’s also important to consider all possible long-term implications of the injury. The long-term impact of an injury can be broad and varied.

Depending on the type and severity of the injury, physical limitations may require ongoing medical care or cause a person to lose their income.

In some cases, it can lead to psychological trauma as well. It’s important to consider these factors when filing an injury claim.

In addition to physical and psychological costs, it’s important to consider the financial burden of living with an injury.

These costs can include medical bills, lost wages due to missed work, and even court costs if a case needs to be litigated.

What’s the first course of action when someone comes to your office suffering from a motor vehicle accident?

My first course of action is to assess the patient’s medical history and current condition. I start by reviewing their medical records to understand any pre-existing conditions they may have had before the accident.

From there, I’ll conduct a physical exam and order additional tests, if necessary, to better understand the severity of the injury. It’s essential to do this to determine the right course of treatment.

Once I understand the extent of the injury, I discuss my findings with the patient and their family. We discuss all possible treatment options and potential legal recourse they may want to pursue. Depending on the situation, we also set up a plan for ongoing pain management.

How important is it for a patient to get the correct diagnosis and treatment soon after an accident?

It’s imperative. The sooner patients receive the correct diagnosis and treatment, the better their chances of recovering fully and quickly.

When you delay getting proper treatment, it can worsen your injury and increase your chances of developing chronic pain or other complications.

Correct diagnosis is also essential to file an injury claim for potential compensation accurately.
The key to accurately diagnosing and treating an injury is to visit a medical professional soon after the accident.

Timely medical care allows your doctor to accurately determine the severity of your injury and create an effective treatment plan.

Patients must also be honest with their doctor about pre-existing conditions, which can impact the diagnosis and treatment plan.

How does your experience as a pain management specialist help you advocate for personal injury victims?

As a pain management specialist, I can provide an in-depth understanding of the long-term implications of an injury. When working with personal injury victims, I strive to ensure they receive adequate compensation for their injuries, covering all medical costs and lost wages. Additionally, I work with them to create a plan for ongoing pain management if necessary. This helps ensure their needs are considered when filing an injury claim.

My experience is also beneficial in court proceedings, as I can provide detailed medical evidence of the patient’s injuries and treatment plan. This helps to strengthen their case for potential compensation.

Additionally, I can testify to the long-term effects of an injury and the financial burden a patient may face due to medical costs.

Do you have any advice for avoiding motor vehicle accidents in the future?

Practicing safe driving habits is the best way to avoid motor vehicle accidents. This includes being aware of your surroundings, staying within the speed limit, and avoiding distractions such as cell phones or other electronic devices on the road.

Always wear a seatbelt and ensure all passengers are buckled up.

It is also essential to stay updated on any new rules or regulations for motor vehicles in your area. Additionally, always follow the law and abide by all traffic signals and signs. Finally, if you are feeling tired or drowsy while driving, it is best to pull over at a safe location and rest before continuing your journey.

Do you have any tips for those seeking legal advice in their injury claim?

Yes, the most important thing is to seek experienced legal counsel. An injury claim can be complex, and taking on the process alone can be challenging and time-consuming.

The right attorney will have extensive experience in personal injury law and understand how best to protect your rights. They will also be familiar with all relevant local laws and regulations which may impact your case.

It is also essential to keep detailed records of all medical visits and treatments and any correspondence with insurance companies or other legal professionals involved.

Having accurate documentation can help strengthen your case for potential compensation.

Lastly, it is vital to remain patient throughout the process and never feel rushed into deciding before you are ready.
