Chris Jericho Returns to Terrifier 3: What to Expect in the Vomit-Inducing Sequel

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Ah, the world of horror and surprises—where even the prospect of barfing on set can’t keep a wrestler away from a killer clown! Enter Chris Jericho, the man who nearly lost his lunch in Terrifier 2 but just can’t resist the magnetic pull of Art the Clown’s menacing antics.

In a twist that’s as unexpected as Art’s twisted grin, Jericho is making a triumphant return to the stomach-churning slasher saga in Terrifier 3. Yes, you read that right! Despite the on-set queasiness, Jericho’s diving back into the blood-stained fray as the psychiatric hospital attendant we glimpsed in the tantalizing end credits of Terrifier 2.

For those not glued to the gore-filled storyline, let’s catch up: Terrifier 2 left us with a spine-tingling surprise when Art the Clown, portrayed by the spine-chilling David Howard Thornton, clawed his way back from the great beyond. How, you ask? Well, it involved Victoria Heyes’ unexpected bun in the oven, turned villainess (Samantha Scaffidi, bringing the evil with flair).

Filmmaker Damien Leone spilled the beans, confirming Jericho’s comeback for the threequel, hinting at a Christmas-themed horror tale that already has us clutching our candy canes in fright.

But hold onto your seats—there’s more! Leone teased a new roster of characters, including a mystery addition that’s still hush-hush. Oh, the suspense! Yet fear not, Jericho fans, because the man himself is thrilled to hop back into the asylum action.

Brace yourselves for a continuation that promises to pick up the pieces left dangling in the madhouse, giving us a front-row seat to the chaos unleashed by Art and Victoria’s escapades.

And what’s a horror sequel without a fierce Final Girl? Enter Lauren LaVera, reprising her role as Sienna Shaw, ready to face off against Art once more.

The sleepy town of Miles County, New York, is in for a chilling Christmas as the deranged murderer threatens the festive cheer.

In LaVera’s own words, diving into Sienna’s mental labyrinth is all part of the horror gig—where emotions run high because, hey, it’s life or death out there! It’s a rollercoaster of exhaustion and exhilaration that makes us root for our heroes while peeking through our fingers at the screen.

‘Terrifier 3’ Director Says Chris Jericho Will Return To The Franchise In Upcoming Film

— Elvis F*€king Christ (@shawnwarner629) December 14, 2023

Mark your calendars, horror aficionados! Terrifier 3 is set to haunt US cinemas on October 25, 2024. As for our friends across the pond in the UK, stay tuned for a release date that’s yet to rear its gory head.

In a world where killer clowns and unexpected comebacks reign supreme, Terrifier 3 promises a delightfully twisted ride that horror buffs won’t want to miss. So, strap in, hold onto your popcorn tightly (trust us, you might need it as a stress ball), and get ready for a spine-chilling Christmas showdown that’ll have you double-checking those shadows long after the credits roll!
