Unveiling a Web of Corruption at EADB, LTWP, KPLC, and NCBA Bank Kenya PLC

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Hey there! Today, we’re delving into a complex and concerning petition from a patriotic Kenyan citizen, Peter Odhiambo Agoro that unveiled a web of Corruption at EADB, LTWP, KPLC, and NCBA Bank Kenya PLC

In a detailed and passionate plea, Mr. Agoro draws the attention of the National Assembly of Kenya to a web of corruption involving prominent entities such as the East African Development Bank (EADB), Lake Turkana Windmill Project Company (LTWP), Kenya Power & Lighting Company (KPLC), and NCBA Bank Kenya PLC.

The petition, rooted in the principles of the Constitution of Kenya 2010, Banking Act CAP 488, and various other legal frameworks, sheds light on the alleged mismanagement of public funds and a conspiracy that has led to severe consequences for the citizens of Kenya.

The petitioner outlines a series of concerns, ranging from suspicious payments to LTWP and intercepted funds by German authorities to the involvement of influential figures in the government. Notably, the petition calls for a comprehensive investigation into the actions of individuals such as Ms. Vivian Yeda, Dr. Joseph Kinyua, Prof Githu Muigai, and legal firms like Mohammed Muigai Advocates.

The issues raised encompass a wide spectrum—from the misuse of diplomatic immunity by EADB to the high cost of electricity affecting the general public. The petitioner also highlights the lack of dividends paid by EADB to Kenyan sovereign funds and the opaque nature of funds transfer, demanding parliamentary scrutiny.

In this document, we see a concerned citizen urging Parliament to invoke the Commissions of Inquiry Act, establish a special commission, and bring those responsible for what is described as a “colossal sum of money” being siphoned from the public to justice.

It’s a call for transparency, accountability, and a safeguarding of public funds—an urgent appeal for the government to address what the petitioner believes is a manifestation of state capture and corruption.

Stay tuned as we unfold the intricacies of this plea and explore the potential ramifications for Kenya’s governance and financial systems.

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