Fact-Check: Matthew Perry Died Due To Ketamine Effect

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Reports spread like wildfire in the present interconnected world, and the new one about Matthew Perry’s demise because of ketamine’s effects has ignited widespread concern. But before succumbing to speculation, let’s look at the facts and figure out what’s going on with this sensational claim.

It’s crucial to dispel the misinformation, especially when it involves a beloved figure like Perry.

The Claim

Matthew Perry died due to the Ketamine Effect.

The Ruling


The claim that Matthew Perry died due to the Ketamine effect is true, as indicated by our reputable and reliable sources. 


On October 28, 2023, Matthew Perry aka our favorite Chandler, was found dead in a hot tub at his apartment in Los Angeles.

Lots of rumors about his death have spread since theni, from murder to conspiracy to suicide and so on. However, the real cause of death was unveiled after the release of his autopsy reports on 15th December. 


Official Confirmation: The real cause of Matthew’s death has been confirmed officially. The official autopsy reports released on 15th December confirmed that Perry died due to acute Ketamine effects.

Reputable and Reliable Sources: Multiple reputable and reliable sources like the New York Times, People and ABC News have confirmed Perry’s actual cause of death. 


The Friends actor’s death was attributed to the acute effects of ketamine, according to the autopsy report that was made public on the 16th of December.

The report recorded suffocation, coronary artery disease, and the impacts of buprenorphine (a medication for opioid use disorder) as contributing factors, ultimately leading to his death as accidental.

The autopsy reports revealed that Matthew Perry had gone through ketamine 

infusion therapy, yet the ketamine present in his system at the time of death couldn’t be attributed to his last therapy session, which had happened roughly a week and a half before his passing.

Unknown route of Drug Intake

The circumstances surrounding Perry’s death point to an unknown route of drug intake. Perry was found “in a residential pool,” according to the coroner’s statement.

Investigators found prescription medications and loose pills in his house, but none were reported to be near or adjacent to the pool.

The autopsy explicitly highlights the absence of fatal trauma or any suspected foul play.

High Intake of Ketamine in Autopsy Blood Samples

The coroner stated in the report that at the high intake of ketamine detected in his autopsy blood samples, the primary lethal effects would result from both cardiovascular overstimulation and respiratory depression.

Moreover, the coroner mentioned that drowning was a contributing factor because of the likelihood of submersion into the pool while he experienced unconsciousness.

What is Ketamine?

Ketamine is a strong medication primarily used for inducing and maintaining anesthesia during surgeries or procedures.

It is a part of drugs called dissociative anesthetics and works by blocking certain nerve pathways in the brain.

Ketamine is also used for medical purposes because of its hallucinogenic and sedative effects, making it a popular party drug. 


Matthew Perry’s death, attributed to intense ketamine effects, highlights the risks of substance misuse. There are still unanswered questions regarding the circumstances, despite official confirmation and reliable sources.

The tragedy highlights the intricacies of mental health and substance use disorders, encouraging a deeper conversation.

Perry’s legacy extends beyond his roles — a symbol of the fragility of life and the significance of resolving these issues with compassion and understanding.
