Blake Anderson Obituary How Did Blake Anderson Passed Away?

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Abilene, Texas and beyond mourn the passing of David Blake Anderson on January 20, 2022 in Dallas after living an extraordinary life that touched so many. David left behind an extraordinary legacy marked by kindness, devotion and faith for those he touched through family, church and career responsibilities – many will forever remain grateful to David’s impactful impact in these fields of endeavor. In this piece we reflect back upon David’s life and remember its effect.

Who Was David Blake Anderson?

David Blake Anderson of Midland, Texas rose quickly in reputation within his community after graduating Stanton High School and Howard Payne University respectively in 2004 and 2013. At Howard Payne he earned not only a Bachelor’s in Church Music but also met Clarissa Toler who would later become his beloved wife – building together their lives full of music, faith, love, and commitment to one another.

David was known for his outstanding management and locksmith abilities at Pop-A-Lock in Abilene as both manager and locksmith; yet his dedication extended far beyond professional life. David served on First Baptist Church of Abilene’s deacon board where his contributions included leading music programs; additionally he joined their Praise Team showcasing both musical passion and community service.

Family Man and Community Compass

David was deeply committed to being the ideal family man. Married to Clarissa on April 30, 2016 in Dallas and blessed with two sons named Jacob David and Logan Glen, their dedicated love was evident through moments such as cooking together or taking his boys outings such as going to the zoo; these special times showcased his deep affection and dedication towards his family.

David was beloved within his local community and beyond for his dedication and active participation in church activities, particularly those related to music programs and the Praise Team at First Baptist Church Abilene. As an avid music lover who held strong Christian convictions, his contributions demonstrated this passion through worshipful song. David touched many lives through kindness and willingness to assist.

Remebering David: Funeral and Tributes

David was remembered with sorrowful tributes from friends, colleagues, and members of his community following his passing. Funeral services for C.V. Blake took place January 28 at First Baptist Church Abilene with burial services taking place January 29 at Evergreen Cemetery Stanton Texas with David Harp from First Baptist Church Stanton as officiant.

At these funeral services, David’s life was celebrated not just through farewell but through commemorative tributes that honored and remembered all that he meant to those he touched. Darryl Williams, Harry Doshier, Frank Chapa, Marcus Spencer Josh Pardee and Sean Morgan served as pallbearers demonstrating just how highly esteemed David was by others in attendance and his family asked that donations to your chosen charity instead of flowers as an expression of David’s spirit of giving and community service.

Legacy and Impact

David left behind an extraordinary legacy marked by deep faith, commitment to family life and service to his community. He leaves his loving family behind; Clarissa as his wife; sons Jacob David (JD) and Logan Glen; siblings; as well as extended relatives and cousins who will all carry forward his memory in our hearts forever. Although his passing caused immense heartache amongst friends and acquaintances alike; his life continues to inspire those he touched!

The Anderson family expresses its heartfelt thanks for all the assistance provided, specifically from Baylor Scott & White of Dallas’ medical team and First Baptist Church congregations of Abilene and Stanton. David serves as an example of what one person can accomplish by engaging in acts of kindness, devotion and faith – making an impressionful mark upon our communities through life-affirming actions such as his.
