Home Cooking: Viral TikTok Video Shows Mzansi How to Make a Homemade Version of Beloved Burger Pie

May 2024 · 2 minute read

As the prices of store-bought burger pies in South Africa continue to climb and quality drops, this homemade burger pie tip came as a foodie God-sent.

The burger pie is a Mzansi staple favourite, however, the rising price and drop in quality have left many longing for the delight they once devoured.

Mzansi babe shared a homemade burger pie recipe

The TikTok video, shared by @breazy_eats_, takes viewers on a mouthwatering journey through the process of crafting a delicious homemade burger pie.

The woman gives a step-by-step guide on how to make this delicious delight at home. Using fresh ingredients makes it look that much more delightful.

Take a look at this beauty:

Mzansi people drool over the burger pie

This video had people reminiscing over the beloved burger pie. The comments quickly filled with fond memories, gratitude and hunger.

Read what some had to say:

bossmeyer26 said:

“Food always tastes better in these pans ”

Zah'MaFuze ❤️✨ was happy:

“I just followed you I love cooking.”

user983695305316 loved it:

“Thank you. Easy Saturday night supper.”

Lethu was impressed:

“40 minutes, really??”

The Car Plug drooled:

“I would die for these yho”

South African university student cooks meat pie in res using a kettle and toasted sandwich machine

In related news, Briefly News reported that one babe is showing Mzansi how to cook delicious meals while living in university res. She whipped up a tasty meat pie using only a kettle and a toasted sandwich machine this time.

Res life is not for the fainthearted. You'll be using the same thing you use to iron your shirt, to cook sausage.

TikTok user @sandrajelagat has been dropping res cooking tips for the longest time, and her most recent was a meat pie using only a kettle and a toasted sandwich machine.
