What Happened To G Gordon Liddy Wife? Frances Purcell-Liddy Died In 2010 The Talks Today

May 2024 · 1 minute read

G Gordon Liddy, one in every of many masterminds of the Watergate burglary, died on the age of 90. After his launch from jail, he turned a radio program host.

G. Gordon Liddy has died at 90. His bungling of Watergate break-in triggered a catastrophe that led to President Nixon’s resignation. https://t.co/UM81k5hv5v

— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost)
March 30, 2021

Liddy died at his daughter’s dwelling in Mount Vernon, Virginia, based mostly on his family.

Thomas Liddy, his son, confirmed his father’s lack of life, saying solely that it was not ensuing from Covid-19 and that he had been affected by Parkinson’s sickness.

Liddy was one in every of many organizers of the 1972 break-in on the Democratic National Committee headquarters inside the office establishing that may change into indelibly associated to thought-about one in every of America’s largest political scandals. 

Nixon resigned in 1974 after 5 of Liddy’s brokers have been caught contained within the DNC workplaces on June 17, 1972.

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