Is Jimmy Carter Still Alive in 2023? Where Is Jimmy Carter Now?

May 2024 · 4 minute read

Jimmy Carter remains one of the most iconic figures in both political and humanitarian efforts. Born October 1, 1924 and serving as 39th President of the United States from 1977-81, Carter led an extraordinary life filled with service, leadership and kindness; but after Rosalynn passed away two years ago there have been questions regarding his current standing and legacy. This article explores the life and current state of Jimmy Carter, reflecting on his achievements and the personal journey that has defined his near-century of existence.

Who is Jimmy Carter?

James Earl Carter Jr., known globally as Jimmy Carter, stands as a notable figure in American history. Carter served as president from 1977-1981 and, prior to being elected, held positions including Georgia governor and state senator before becoming President. Carter remains one of only a few living former U.S. presidents today – an outstanding testament of both longevity and lasting influence. Carter spent much of his early life living in Plains, Georgia – his early days there began when he returned home later on to manage their peanut farm – an auspicious start for someone destined to lead such an influential nation as ours!

Naval Beginnings and Early Political Career

Carter’s journey was shaped by his time at the U.S. Naval Academy and subsequent service as a submariner in the U.S. Navy. This experience honed his leadership skills, which he later applied in politics. His rise from local governance to the highest office in the land illustrates a deep commitment to his country and its people.

Is Jimmy Carter Still Alive in 2023?

As of 2023, Jimmy Carter is indeed still alive, albeit in a state of declining health, receiving hospice care at his home. The months preceding his wife Rosalynn’s death saw him dedicating his time to being by her side, a testament to their enduring love. Carter’s current state is reflective of a life well-lived, now in its peaceful final chapter.

Enduring Love and Legacy

The relationship between Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter, spanning over seven decades, stands as a remarkable testament to their mutual support and love. Their grandson, Jason Carter, has spoken about the poignant nature of their final days together, highlighting the deep bond that sustained them through various life challenges.

Who was Rosalynn Carter?

Rosalynn Carter passed away at 96 on November 19, 2023 and will long be remembered by both Jimmy Carter and Rosalynn’s devoted followers as more than an former First Lady. Rosalynn was his lifelong partner, childhood sweetheart, and tireless partner both personally and in advocacy efforts. Her passing marked the end of an era for the Carter family, a period characterized by unwavering partnership and mutual support.

Health Challenges in the Carter Family

The health of Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter, particularly in their later years, posed significant challenges for the Carter family. Despite these difficulties, the family has shown unwavering support for Jimmy’s decision to receive hospice care. Their grandson’s reflections reveal a family united in love and respect, even in the face of adversity.

Jimmy Carter’s Noteworthy Achievements

Jimmy Carter’s 99th birthday on October 1 marked a significant milestone, making him the longest-living American president. His tenure as president, though a crucial part of his legacy, is just one facet of his extensive contributions to public life and global affairs. His longevity has allowed him to witness and participate in significant historical events well beyond his presidency.

Jimmy Carter’s Current Hobbies and Pursuits

Even with his physical limitations, Jimmy Carter remains engaged in activities he loves. His resilience is evident in his continued involvement with family, maintaining his interests, and enjoying simple pleasures like baseball. This engagement illustrates how, despite health challenges, the human spirit can continue to thrive and find joy.


Jimmy Carter’s life, marked by service, leadership, and deep personal connections, continues to inspire even as he navigates the twilight of his journey. His enduring legacy, shaped by his presidency, humanitarian efforts, and his profound relationship with Rosalynn, paints the picture of a life lived with purpose and heart. As he resides in hospice care, the world watches with respect and admiration, honoring a man who has given so much to his country and humanity.
